2024 Was not a bad year. In fact, for me personally there were some great moments. But the world is getting worse.


The bad things first. My parents health is still worrying and it will not get better. I did have some issues with physical health, with bits of anxiety. And of course the world getting worse, with the situation in the middle east, and the US electing a fascist again, confirming that that bigotry, disinformation, corruption and unrelenting capitalism have won.


The good things. I met many lovely people and grew some friendships. I played and sung some great concerts, including singing one of my most favourite pieces, for the 3rd time, Mahler’s 2nd symphony. I got better on cello. I travelled again, to Indonesia (which was much better than expected) and Timor Leste, which was amazing. And I did scuba diving again which was nice although there was a scary moment during my last dive. A lot of the bureaucracy issues were resolved, and I ended the year with my administration up to date.

So lets see what came from my 2023 New Years Resolutions:

  • First: resolve health issues, foremost: chronic fatigue, ADHD, anxiety. Skin, teeth, ear, nose, throat.

    Partially. I did go to many doctors to have things checked, and I got a better picture of my issues, and some things were fine, like my heart. Still needs work.

  • Become a better housewife. So cooking, cleaning, washing &c. Cooking is a big thing, I want to be able to make tasty and healthy food.

    Yes. At least in keeping the house clean and organised. I do have a cleaning person… But very little progress in cooking.

  • Do my work very well. Specifically, my IT work for my current and future clients.

    No. I did my work well I think, but I need to be more productive, need more and more interesting work.

  • Keep my selfishness, narcissism and vanity in check.

    I think so, although I can still be quite selfish.

  • Work on my voice for speaking and singing. Maybe sing in the band.

    A little. I did sing with the choir which was amazing and did improve my voice.

  • Get better at cello. Specifically, vibrato, quality of tone, legato, expressiveness, and fast orchestra parts.

    I did get better. Also switching to dolce instead of medium strings made a big difference..

  • Improve my photography technique, especially lighting, and editing.

    Not much. While I did get my dream camera (Sony A7cII), I did not shoot that much

  • Stop or reduce wasting time, money, energy, health, the environment, creativity, love.


  • Cleanup my finances / administration / taxes, become financial literate, save and invest.

    Yes. I became up to date in my administration for the first time in decades.

  • Write more. Book and essays, youtube.

    Not much. I did write a little.

  • Connect with like minded communities.

    I deepened my connection in the orchestra / CM and with the Kit Kat communitiy somewhat.

  • Youtube! And motion graphics.


  • Find the love(s) of my life, better and more fornicating, healthy habits, connect with old and new friends, make my house nicer.

    Yes. I did meet wonderful people, some have potential, some became good friends and got better at intimacy, although I still can improve. I don’t live unhealthy, ate healthier and started yoga again. COnnected with some friends and the house is a bit nicer.

  • Learning: coding. Russian. Blender. Skydiving / sailplane.

    I got a little better at Russian.

  • Travel: Indonesia, Portugal, Gibraltar, Romania.

    Yes. I travelled to Indonesia and Timor Leste.

So my New Years Resolutions for 2024:

Some of the usual stuff, healthy habits, exercises, get better on cello and fornicating, find the love(s) of my life, connect with communities, make my house nicer, waste less.

  • Sing more. Improve technique, sing in some ensemble.
  • Get better at cooking.
  • Skydiving (tandem jump)
  • Improve my Spanish and Russian
  • Scuba dive
  • Travel. Poland (Poznan, Oświęcim), Portugal, Romania?
  • Get good at tango. Find a nice tango partner.Become part of the tango community.
  • Health is still the biggest priority, especially energy, teeth (crowns), get a colonoscopy, fix hiatal hernia. Hydrate! Yoga.
  • Writing. Also develop my technique in getting things out of my head and onto paper. (Or markdown files).
  • Do more photography again, like portraits from friends.
  • Work on my approaching people. Respectfully and fun.
  • Deepen some of my friendships.
  • Dinner parties with friends.
  • Get better at landing airplanes.
  • Fix some broken devices.
  • Get rid of stuff I don’t need anymore.
  • Work! Find nice work with nice people that pays well.
  • Teach!
  • Video / motion graphics / youtube.